Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Cross


1. For Capital Punishment

Do you refuse to speak to me?
Don't you realize that I have power to liberate
you, and I have power to crucify you?"

-- Roman Governor Pilate
(John 19: 10 )

There are people who just leave sinners to the righteous hand of God.
Others enacted laws penalizing capital offenses with death using torture
stakes. On matters of torture stake, the one used by the happy Romans
was believed to be the· best; best in the sense that it Was the most
excruciating mode of executing death sentence.

Some countries have been using the electric chair; but the victim would
pass out too soon unable to suffer intense pain. The guillotine was more
atrocious, chopping off human heads in one sudden fall of the blade
leaving their bodies squirming in unthinkable pain!

Suffocating even to imagine is the gas chamber. But the unholy rope
around Flor Contemplation's neck was nauseating. She struggled for a
while in vain gasping for her dear life!

Death by lethal injection is more civil compared with Rizal's martyrdom
by musketry which was rather violent. But excelling all these, the most
sophisticated killing procedure was CRUCIFIXION. The victim himself would
be forced to carry the wooden instrument up a distant hill where
everybody could view his naked shame. The poor one, now drained of his
sweat is then nailed on both hands and feet so that when the cross is
elevated his blood would begin to spurt out. Lifted up from the earth, his
bones would stretch out of joints. Bleeding profusely from 12 high noon till
p.m. negotiating the burning summer heat, the shattered nerves of the
fellow would literally boil and ache so hurtfully on hot iron nails. Left there
without help suspended on open wounds, one would desire only to die
soonest. But death does not come, and every hour is like a hundred years.
Finally, fatigue, bitter pain, thirst and exhaustion would torment the man at
their worst, till he release the spirit and die!

Therefore, if a nation is as brutish as the old Roman Empire, the RIGHT
and perfect torture stake to use would be the cross in a manner executed
by the Roman soldiers! to the King of the Jews in 31 A.D.

In addition to the cross were several accessories applied to Christ
which may be used to maximize pain, such as: whip, crown of thorns,
spear, gall, fists, spittle and mockeries. However, there were three
circumstances that aggravated the agony of Christ's friends and provoked
the indignation of just men, concerning which the author suggests should
be excluded from what is called "RIGHT," for due to such irreparable
iniquities the historic crucifixion turned out to be a disgraceful mistake!
First, that man hanged between two offenders was a faultless being,
innocent of the crime charged on Him. Second, that unjust murder was
committed by foreigners (Romans) in the country of the victim Himself
(Jerusalem), just how the Roman Catholic Spaniards dealt with our
patriot, Dr. Jose Rizal who was wasted without pity at the very heart of his
country (Luneta). Third and worst, after killing King David's heir (the
Christ), the Romans admired and blessed the cross, their weapon, calling
it "sancta" (holy) and offered praises, flowers and prayers to the torture
stake." And they rejoiced evermore with grand festivities and pompous
celebrations with musicale and long procession, adding the most
grievous insult to the gravest injury in the whole history of mankind.

2. For a Mark

"Whoever worships the Beast and his Image
and receives the Mark on his forehead, or on
his hand, shall drink of the wine of God's wrath
that has been poured without mixture in the
cup of His anger, and he shall be tormented
with fire and brimstone in the presence of the
holy Angels and of the Lamb."

-- Apostles John
(Revelation 13: 16-17)

The cross could be smartly used also as a Mark, as we have seen and
experienced. However, like a personal signature, the cross-mark is
exclusive; not every country has the RIGHT to use it as a seal for marking
peoples, places and things.

Historical records reveal that the cross was used as a powerful occult
symbol by the witches and diviners in pagan Babylon, by magicians and
sorcerers in ancient Egypt, and by occultists and executioners in imperial
Rome. Strangely, however, after the barbaric crucifixion of Christ, the
cross was dressed with a different personality. It was openly used
as a Sign or standard, Seal or insignia, Logo or Brand by
Catholic Rome and imperial Vatican. We could readily find it fixed on their
vestments, weapons, crowns, temples, ships, organizations, institutions,
products, etc. So, as the Crescent is the banner of the Arabs, and as the
Star of David is the glory of the Israelites, the Cross is, definitely, the Mark
of Rome and the Vatican.

Now, you will notice that the Roman Catholic priests cannot say any
Mass without a cross. It is the most important emblem to them as the
ultimate object required in their crucifixion rites (Mass) and worship
(staurolatria). In fact, they may say Mass even without a graven idol; they
may say Mass even without a chapel; they may say Mass even without an
audience, but they are forbidden to say Mass without a Cross around. To
a Roman priest, the cross is first and foremost, last and posthumous.

The same rule bound Roman explorers and colonizers. The Emperors
have commanded them that wherever they would travel they must plant
the cross upon the highest place to signal invasion or consummate

Therefore, for the Roman catholic hierarchy and the Roman imperial
army, the cross is a distinctive Mark - a license from Rome, a right, an
authority; for they cannot do any business (whether political, military or
religious) without that Mark sealed on their heads or held in their hands.

3. For Conquest

"Death is always the first sign of European
civilization upon being introduced to the
Pacific; and God will that it may not be its last,
because judging by the statistics, the islands of
the Pacific being civilized are depopulating
terribly. The first exploit' of Magellan himself
upon arriving at the Marianas, was to burn
more than 40 houses, many vessels, and
seven inhabitants. "

-- Dr. Jose Rizal
(Annotation to Morga's
"Sucessos de las Islas Filipinas")

Emperor Constantine was a very shrewd ruler of Rome. He declared
an end to the mad and rapacious massacre of Christians for the simple
reason that there were no more Christians left - all were dead, annihilated
by the previous Emperors of Rome! Then, he commanded that a
substitute Religion patterned after the Roman imperial organization should
be improvised - a kind of Christianity, Roman style - to be used for a very
terrific purpose.

In his time (early 4th century A.D.), Constantine realized that by the
sign of the cross the Roman Empire could actually dominate and exploit
the rest of the world. It was easy for him to understand that, if Rome was
able to impale on its torture stake a powerful being as the Christ of the
God of Israel in His own high place, why not the lesser kings and lords,
the weaker principalities and powers of the kingdoms on the four quarters
on the earth! Thus, it happened that when its ships came to the coastlands
with the cross eminent on the prow and masts, kings fell on their knees,
principal men bowed themselves under the shadow of the Emperor, and
their people bore the heavy yoke of Rome.

But no other nation could rob Rome of its RIGHT to use the cross in
vanquishing peoples, simply because no other race could imitate what the
Romans have done; for only they, under Hie mighty hand of the Caesars,
dared to kill the great Prince of Judah, destroyed Jerusalem and its Holy
Temple and wiped out the genuine Christians from the face of the earth.

The chosen people of God were driven out to the ends of the earth.
And when the Jews returned to their country they found there cities ruined.
And they gathered to an old Wall and there they wept until this day.

This miserable country of ours was, of course, not spared from the
awful power of the cross. This meek and lovely race was, surely, a great
loss to God! Like an angel of death the ghastly cross tore the silence of
our nights with wailing! Marcelo del Pilar warned his countrymen:
"CAIINGAT CAYO" (Be Very Careful), but how many cared about Plaridel's
concern? Rizal dared: "Analyze carefully the kind of religion taught
you ... and then compare that religion with the religion of Christ, and see if
your Christianity is not like the milking animals or like the pig that is being
fattened, not for its own sake, but in order to sell it at a higher price and
make more money out of it." And the pigs shoot Rizal! Isabelo delos
Reyes cried, "ENOUGH OF ROME!" But the Indios were given more than
enough. So Juan dela Cruz went about carrying 666 hexilion crosses six
pieces at the time. And the Motherland was found salvaged in the mire of despair. Her stars lost their colors and her sun was covered with black
clouds; there was no end to her vexations!

Even America did not escape the malignity of Rome; for when she was
blooming, weaned from the breast of England, Rome lusted after her
beauty and spread his claws to take the States. President Lincoln found it
out and warned the world, saying, "I see a very dark cloud rising on the
horizon of America, and it is coming from Rome." Shortly after that,
Lincoln was assassinated and America plunqed into a prevailing
mysterious turmoil and moral decay.

However, it is Rome's RIGHT to use the cross for conquest seeing that
therein lies its dragon-power, as it is also proper for the reforming
Christians'" to use the Holy Bible because therein lies their defense and
hope for salvation. Everything is RIGHT according to their own particular
purpose; the Word of Christ for Light and Life, and the Cross of Rome for
Exploitation and Destruction!

And so, we see that by the Cross the whole earth was virtually
conquered by Rome, either with barbarian armies as a political empire or
with sheep-clothed missionaries as an ecclesiastical front. And now the
earth looks like an ugly cemetery with multitudes of horrid crosses upon its
mountains, tomb-shaped chapels and homes. That, evidently, is a real
sign of conquest tragic and woeful from ancient past down to this turbulent


1. Requiem at Baptism, Marriage, Birthday, Graduation, etc

"I froze at what I saw. There were the bodies of
the seven little babies. Each had three crosses
cut into there heads, across on each palm and
bottom of both feet and on their chests were
three large crosses. Their hearts were gone ...
These babies were sacrificed."

-- Ex-Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera

Recently, a man and his bride filed a suit against a certain priest who
mistakenly said a Requiem for the dead on their wedding ceremony. It
was learned that the priest was drunk, and had committed the said
mistake twice.

Very tragic, you say; the marriage looks like dammed from the start.
But many of us don't realize that similar tragedies are happening everyday
not only to weddings but also to birthdays, baptism, inauguration,
graduation, thanksgiving, anniversaries, etc. - every time the killer cross is
introduced! We have seen little babies being marked with the sign of
sufferings and death on their tender foreheads at baptism. That is an act
of sorcery just like what was done to those babies discovered by Alberto
Rivera which were offered to the Devil by his fellow Jesuit priests in order
for them to obtain favor and power.

There was a case of a very lovely baby who died in the chapel
immediately after the priest and the sponsors finished cross-marking her
head. If only the guardians of precious babies baptized were on their right
mind they should get bewildered to see them marked with a cross and file
a suit against the priests. WATER BAPTISM opens the way to freedom and
light; CROSS BAPTISM blocks the road to light and liberation.

Perhaps, those parents who sold their babies to the Devil did not know
that the cross is not a symbol of Christ but, rather, a figure of Rome's
killing machine. People should know that God did not invent the cross; He
has nothing to do with it. His beloved Son was one so precious victim of
that abhorrent thing. What a pity, many sons and daughters have been
casualties of the curse of the cross because of their parents' excessive
trust, negligence and ignorance.

On happy occasions the presence of the stinking cross is a big error;
technically, its entry is foul! Also, on dedication of houses, vehicles or
fields, gory crosses are not to be allowed; they are absolutely out of place!
Here is the basic reason why many lives are ruined, marriages damned,
homes broken, fields plagued; here is the point why many communities
were struck by pestilence, epidemics and distress. They have been sealed
with the cross of disaster and dedicated to the spirit of ruin!

Let light and oil, flowers and fruits, instruments of music and the BIBLE
attend the occasions of life and joy. And dedicate your bodies, your house
and your possessions to the NAME of God, so that His eyes, His heart will
watch over them (II Chron. 7: 16). Rude, so rude is the person who brings
in a cross to sacred affairs. Beware of the involvement and tresspassing of
the cross. Let no sign of darkness and doom come therein. It defiles the
occasion and an evil omen will descend upon the celebrant like a phantom
of death and remember him for an evil destiny! So, if you wish to be truly
happy, safe and blessed just be wary of the cross in all its toxicity.

2. Suicide "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son."

"People honor Me with their lips but their heart
is far removed from Me. It is in vain that they
keep worshipping Me because they teach
commands of men as doctrine. "

-- The Almighty
(Isaiah 29;13)

The Roman soldiers wrought the cross; the Roman priests taught the
signing of the cross. In the Roman Catholic catechism we were
indoctrinated to cross out our faces and double cross our souls with our
own right hand. This is the reason why the general attitude of people in
Catholic countries is defeatist, fatalist, pessimistic, suicidal - just perfect
for every kind of opportunistic exploitation! And many are doing that vain
I ritual from waking hours to sleeping time, when they eat and pray, pass by
a cemetery or chapel - not knowing the consequences of their foolish act!

Signing oneself with a cross is a very bad habit. It is not a defense
against evil; it is yielding to the Devil! And they would cross off heir necks
and swear, "Cross my heart ... " So, necks were cut out and hearts
attacked. Stop inviting death, for it is always ready to overtake. It is good
for us rather to behave in the light where the lifestyle is optimistic,
righteous, !lively and victorious. Loose those necks and wrists, those
heads, bodies and lives from the strangulating chains of the cross. So
I strange, they can afford to cherish and venerate the torture stake that
killed our darling Christ! If Christ was slain with a gun, they would cherish
and sanctify that gun also. Truly, THE HEADS AND HEARTS THAT HAVE BEEN
huddles and the demons mass.

Most of all, never ever cross-sign your souls again, saying, "In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" for such
doctrine is a confusion, a high blasphemy similar to suicide in the name of
God! The "Name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" was a
divine invocation bequeathed by the Lord to His Apostles. On the opposite
camp, the "sign of the cross" was an authority decreed by the Emperors of
Rome to their traders and colonizers. These two powers are contrary. The
former was heavenly, good and holy; the latter is carnal, earthly and devilish. They are two kingdoms opposed to each other with different
Masters whom we cannot serve together.

No Apostle of Christ ever upheld the cross of Rome; none of the
original Christians paid homage to the seal of the Emperor. But the
Romans stole the Christians' divine invocation, and devilishly mixed it up
with the black powers of hell and the result was like a blend of deadly
poison and sweet wine. And many bought it and drank and perished! The
stolen verse was uttered without divine power. Nonetheless, by using that
sacred oration the tyranny and violence of the Roman agents were subtly
garbed in hocus piety or false divinity, so deceptive and effective in
persuading the world to believe the counterfeit religion propagated by
Rome. It is very awkward for the pagans and pseudo-Christians to use the
Holy Name, for they have none of its authority or qualifications. Likewise, it
is weird for the right-spirited Christians to adopt the unholy cross of the
other kingdom. Bear in mind, the cross is not the logo of Christianity; it is
the "Mark of the Beast," the scepter of the kingdom of darkness! Look at
the cross with ember tears, remembering how Christ was tortured there.

God did not cause sufferings and death; the Devil and his agents love
to inflict pain and sorrow; for they came "to kill, to steal and to destroy."
They abuse the righteous and maltreat the innocent. They have prepared
many crosses for everyone who would follow Christ. Well, if persecutors
would force you to carry their cross (i.e., their malevolence) and could not
avoid, that's the time to take it up (i.e., suffer) for Christ's sake. But never
take up even the smallest cross all by yourself because that is like
wounding your neck over nothing or like contracting damnation to your
soul at your own risk. It would be your fault and God would not regard your
pain - you suffer and die alone! And you could only blame your own hand
and those who taught you the fatal idea of self-curse and self-destruction!

3. Blessing With A Curse

"My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge. Because you have rejected Me, I
also will reject you as My priest; because you
have ignored the law of your God, I also will
ignore your children. The more the priest
increase the more they sinned against me. "

--The Almighty
(Hosea 4:6-9, 12)

It saddens our heart to see parents, grandparents and godparents
pouring anathema on children who come to them for blessings. How does
it happen? The kids would kiss their elders' hands in a humble gesture of
I reverence expecting to be blest, but their elders would respond with a fatal
gesture - sign of the cross! Contrary to the saying, "May God bless you,"
the wave of their hand denotes, "Curse be upon you!" It is like telling the
poor child, "Come to life" but the sign language says, "Go to hell!" Action
speaks louder than words, and the good wishes are thwarted by the sign
of evil. Certainly, our elders have learned this crooked tradition from the
example of the priest who, according to Rizal, are "fond of giving their
hands to be kissed" and spanking the kisser with an undeserved curse.

In this world where we live in, Satan and his cohorts are known for
mixing bad seeds with the good ones resulting in confusion, deception and
fall. So, children, be cautious in kissing people's hands; for instead of
blessing you might get misfortune which you would regret later on when
you realize that you are worthier than those old sinful people who pretend
to hallow your soul. Beware, also, of those who presume to pray over you
as you bow your head and close your eyes, for they might mark evil on
your forehead or breast; you wont be able to resist and you are finished.
Take note, it takes three to seven years to erase a bad omen from your
life after receiving Satan's Mark from a qualified Roman agent.

Parents should watch out and not allow their children to be opened up
or yielded to demons. Keep the little kids you love from the hurtful yoke of
the cross. But we really have a problem with these "Pharisees" in long
white robes with dangling rosaries and crosses who are fond of bringing
ominous spells upon our communities, our fields, our houses and our
children even from a distance. The least that we could do is to keep away
from them (30 meters to a safer distance of 70 miles). Avoid exposure to
the spiritual viruses priest are scattering around; cover the children from
the shadow of Satan and hide them from the mystical arrows of hell! Don't
you know that diseases and sores worsen when we enter cross-marked
chapels, cathedrals and cemeteries? Beware, for the same decadent force
or rotting influence would worsen your calamities and woes by careless
exposure to the cross. Therefore, save yourselves from wasting and
corruption; avoid the objects and places which are polluted and accursed,
knowing this that neither holiness nor blessedness abide therein.

4. Feast to Violence

"Where true religion has prevented one crime,
false religions afforded a pretext for a

-- Charles Caleb Colton

You have witnessed FESTIVALS to SANTA CRUZ. Again, that is a weird
combination, yet consistently romantic. You have heard about gladiators
thrown in to fight raging beasts inside old Rome's coliseum.

The Romans loved that blood-spot so much cheering with ecstasy as the beast
devours the flesh and bones of a human being. The cross is a bold and
blatant symbol of violence and cruelty. What gentlemen, then, could raise
a toast to the cross and say, "Cheers to violence, long live death!"

How can we forget the Bocaue Tragedy? Vain philosophies and foul
theological instructions have brought terrible destruction to devotees of
"Krus Sa Wawa". The casualties wee about 300 souls and the clever
priest (suggesting a "miracle" again) said that the cross has enlarged by
more than 2 inches. Uh, if that is so, then, the cross is really a bloodthirsty
monster, drinking the blood of our people and increasing in size by
the loss of precious lives! Now, learn the lesson and withdraw your feet
from the terror cross and subtlety of the priests." Shrewd is the one that
has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself; but the
un instructed have passed along and must suffer the penalty" (Proverbs of
Solomon 22:3).

Furthermore, you ought to know by now that the "MASS" itself is just a
romantic celebration of torture and murder. In that irreligious ritual
(actually, witchcraft) the priest presents the cross at the center table as an
honorable accessory to your salvation. Uh, if that is so, then, Judas
Iscariot must be a "holy hero" and a contributor (rather than a traitor) to
our salvation. Bring his image to the table. And where are the "holy nails,"
the "holy spear," and the "holy thorns"? But such things are consistent only
with the extra-biblical, over-spiritual theologies of Catholicism.

Actually, Christ never gave any credence to his killers when He said, "It
is expedient that offenses come, but woe to him by whom the offense
comes." Christ was not referring to Judas only (the conspirator) but also to
the Roman hands (the executioners). Judas realized his mistake, repented
and killed himself; Rome did not regret anything but was glad for its
diabolical power and continued with its wiles even with triumphant

One philosophical reason given for patronizing the cross is this: "If
Christ was not hanged on the cross mankind would not have been
redeemed." That is like saying, "If the fish was not pierced with a stick and
broiled on the fire we would not have eaten and got satisfied." You know
crucifixion was not the only way possible. Christ said, "Abba, Father,
nothing is impossible to you, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not
'My will but Yours be done. Besides, we do not eat the stick (resembling
the cross) and the fire (resembling Satan's anger) together with the fish
(resembling God's Son); neither is it proper to place the furnace of fire on
your dining table inside your house just because it broiled your fish. Plainly
speaking, the cross, the nails, or the spear never saved anyone; they
killed and cursed everyone -- everyone, because Christ's martyrdom was
every sinner's death and, by the way, we are all sinners. We were like
Barabbas; Christ took our place and we were released. He was a ransom;
One for all. It is, therefore, the kindness and patience of Christ that saved
people who trusted Him, made possible by the power of His Resurrection,
when God who sent Christ raised Him from the dead. In other words, it
was the delicious LOVE of God that saves us, not the fiery hatred of Satan;
the BLOOD and patience of Christ, not the cross and pretenses of Rome!

Another romantic alibi behind the veneration of the cross is this:
"Everything that the Holy Christ touched becomes a holy thing." Not so;
don't you know that Christ was actually accursed when He was hanged on
the cross? It is stated in the Law, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a
tree" (Galatians 3:13). Let everyone know this, that Christ while hanging
on the tree (cross) was cursed - cursed that we might be redeemed
justified); and trusting Him (not on His killers nor on their instruments) we
may obtain from above the blessings (sanctification and glorification) we
never deserved -- our debts having been paid in full! How, then, could that
horror cross be holy at all when Christ (The Holy One) became accursed
when He was lifted up on that evil thing? It is written, "For God has made
Him who knew no sin to be SIN for us, that we might be made
RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in Him" (II Corinthians 5:21). Grasp this apostolic
principle and shun that romantic philosophy that runs contrary to reason
and does great violence to the Scriptures of truth.

In our right mind, it is simply disdainful to make feast unto such dung
as the cross. In our right sentiment, we just cannot celebrate and
patronize a heinous object, for "love does not rejoice in iniquity."

In our conscience, we affirm that such religious romanticism has
deluded the minds of many into believing, loving and worshiping the
junkets of Satan.

5. Adorned For The Anti-Christ

"You must not bring a detestable thing into
your house and actually become a thing
devoted to destruction like it. You should
thoroughly loathe it and absolutely detest it,
because it is something devoted to

-- Prophet Moses
(Deuteronomy 7:26)

To find a cross on the graveyard is quite compatible, though not
necessary, but to find it in the bedroom is unsanitary. When you are quiet
and asleep on your bed with the cross on the wall just above your head,
your room is like a dim and cold mausoleum!

At the execution chamber the presence of the cross is understandable,
but around your neck or wrist its horror is unpalatable. The cross is not for
our bodies unless you wished your death, nor for our homes unless you
want them wrecked!

But there is a purpose for all these troubles of decorating the houses
and adorning the bodies with crosses - it is for the Antichrist and for the
Devil! Satan takes delight viewing the cross smiling wickedly over the
triple crown of his Son in Vatican. The Antichrist also loves the cross. It is
his signature, his seal. He is so pleased to see it everywhere; very ecstatic
with the view of the globe overlaid with a cross, for that is his ultimate
ambition - to grip the whole world in the palm of his hand. That "Man of
Sin" wants to see it planted on the highest mountains, marked on every
city, on every chapel and cathedral, in every house, in every school, in
every office, in every hospital, in every room, in every prison cell, in every
vehicle, on every product, on every forehead of a child, around every neck
and wrist of every man and woman, on all their tombs!


6. Exorcising Christ and the Christians from the Earth

The crucifix is the real heart of the occult. This
religious object is adored and prayed to by the
Catholics. Crosses were originally designed as
occult symbols to be worshiped both in
ancient Babylon and Egypt. Behind the crucifix
are strong demonic forces giving out
tremendous powers.

-- Ex- Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera

An evil spirit possessed a woman. Born-again Ministers as well as
Charismatic leaders attempted to cast out the demon but it was stubborn,
speaking bad words and destroying furnishings in the house. A catholic
priest came to help exorcize (cast out) the evil. He was accompanied by an
altar-boy equipped with a vial of water, incense and a black cross (about 6
inches long). The boy lit the incense and began swinging it back and forth.
Then, the priest sprinkled water. The woman stared very sharply and raved.
The priest was cautious. Finally, he held the cross and muttered Latin spells
with intense look. But the possessed woman snatched the cross and the
priest could not take it back. The woman tore the wood with her teeth as if it
were sweet sugar cane while the priest seriously summoned the help of
Mary. However, the woman became stronger after teething the cross. She
grabbed the priest but he escaped. Everybody fled; a grotesque figure was
pursuing. She overtook the altar-boy and started tearing up the kid. Thanks
to a policewoman who came on time and rescued the poor sacristan. The
lady officer held up the back collar of the demon-possessed and gave a
warning shot and the possessed woman collapsed. Afterwards, she came to
herself and wondered what had happened.

This true story reveals that showing a cross, sprinkling some stagnant
water, chanting Latin spells and entreating the aid of Mary (who had slept
long ago) cannot exorcise a demon from his hostage. Instead of weakening
the demon, the cross has actually empowered him. The cross is powerless
against evil forces. What you see in the movie is fiction. Demons are not
afraid of the cross. Of course, how could you drown a fish in its own water?
Or would you scare a cat with a mouse?

So, it is not true that the cross would exorcise demons or evil spirits as you often see in catholic propaganda. On the contrary, the cross was used to kill Christ and the Christians. Look, the Roman soldiers have successfully exorcised Christ and the Christians from the face of the earth! That is true. Moreover, now, the Roman priest continues to exorcise theright spirit from everyone who are sealed with the cross on their foreheads. Catholic missionaries continue to exorcise the spiritual fortunes from every tribe that has yielded to the Roman cross. They continue to exorcise the goods and the gold and all blessing from every country that was marked with the cross of Satan! They continue to exorcise the bloodand health, the hopes and joys, the light and life from every race that received the Mark of the Monster! Behold and weep for what happened to the Philippines and to Latin American counties!

7. Covering Sin with Sin

"Then I saw the Beast and the kings of the
earth and the armies gathered together to
make war against the Rider on the horse and
his army. But the Beast was captured and with
him the False Prophet who had preformed the
miraculous signs on his behalf. With these
signs he had deluded those who had received
the Mark of the Beast and worshipped his
Image. The two of them were thrown alive into
the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them
were killed with the sword that came out of
mouth of the Rider on the horse, and all the
birds gorged themselves on their flesh. "

-- Apostle John
(Revelation 19: 19-21)

When all efforts to acquit Flor Contemplacion failed, Cardinal Sin went
to Rome supposedly to heroically ask the Pope to save Flor from the
hands of Singaporean authorities. He failed. The Cross could do nothing
to stop the Rope. The Cross mocked the Rope: "That's a small fish; let it
go!" The Rope barked back: "Mind your own business, Senior; go find your
own prey, old monster. And don't delay, for your days are numbered!" The
Cross turned pale then blood-red and sneaked away grumbling.

The Cross and the Rope have a lot in common. But the Cross excelled
the Rope in every way; for the former had taken not only countless
precious souls but holy ones at that, including a priced catch in Israel - a
wrong prey, actually -- the beloved Son of the Almighty! That is why the
Cross is now delicately covered with a mystic shroud, like a serpent
decked with doves feathers --TO HIDE ITS GUILT AND TRUE CHARACTER.

Look, Rome is hiding a putrid Sin is his bosom. And he has covered it
with another blinding Sin - the "Holy Cross" doctrine. With the help of
deluded philosophers and theologians, enslaved priests, catechists and
propagandists he has done everything to persuade the fallen world that
the cross is holy and venerable. For in that persuasion the power and
future of Rome and Catholicism, of Vatican and Papacy, depends.

Subtly, the murderer of Christ and the annihilator of Christians have
taken the judgment seat through deceit and harassment. Now, using the
cross itself as his gavel by which he demanded silence (pax romana) in
the world, while they exploited its resources. A silence that grew like
cancer; for whoever dares to disturb his pungent "peace" becomes
endangered species.

Obscurantism has made the "Holy Cross" doctrine and propaganda
very successful, enabling the Roman Catholic hierarchy to control the
nations, men's souls and their treasures. However, when the time comes
that they could no longer fool people all the time that the cross is some
holy nice thing, then nations would begin to discover and remember the
multitudes of evil wrought by Rome through the cross. And they would
plainly see the culprit in the subtle destruction of civilizations and the
gradual strangulation of humanity. They would call the guilty "City" to
answer for the precious blood it shed and the heinous treacheries and
terrorism undertaken in the world for many centuries where many millions
of souls have been wasted forever!

On the issue of the cross Roman Catholicism will rise and fall. As long
as we sleep in the error of the cross, Rome and Catholicism will remain
enthroned, enjoying the night, exploiting the nations and destroying souls.
But the moment we awake to the Truth and appreciate the beauty of Light,
it would be the end of their happy days. Oh, how fat they have become!
Rome has nourished his souls like a pig for hundreds of years. And like a
vampire, the Catholic whore is drunk with the blood of martyrs!

The Roman cross is much to be detested; chopped to pieces and
burned to ashes! But who dares? What nation would dare to withstand Rome?
For they said, Who is like the Beast? Who is able to make war
with him?" (Revelation 13:4) Nonetheless, we know that there will be a
great breaking off of the yoke. For life will soon defy death, and the Light
must overcome the night. And the hammer of justice will strike the anvil.
And the Image of the Beast shall crumble like a house of cards!

On the day of Truth's resurrection, crosses will be burned. For the
nations that served the Beast shall rise up against him and roar:


Oh, how beautiful is life without a cross! A country without a cross is
paradise! And an earth without the cross is heaven! This shall come to be.
Early one morning, when the Light of Heaven shines upon the earth, the
Creator and Fulfiller of all things will arise to put an end to the works of
Satan and Rome. "That they may know that YOU alone Whose name is
YAUH are the MOST HIGH over all the earth." Psalms 83:18 And the
people of the Islands shall rejoice in their hope, and shout with the
voice of triumph:




1. For Capital Punishment

I: -- It is commonly thought that the Jews (people of the tribe of
Judah) were the ones who crucified Christ. That is incorrect. The
Jewish Law prescribed stoning for capital offenses not crucifixion.
You remember Mary Magdalene whom the Jews would have
stoned if Christ did not intervene? During the days when Christ was
on earth, Israel was under the domination of the Roman Empire.
That is why the Jews properly answered the Roman governor
Pilate, "We have no right to execute anyone" (John 18:31). Thus,
Isaiah's prophecy literally happened that the Christ would be
"delivered into the hands of the Gentiles" (i.e. non-Jews;
specifically, Romans). And according to the testimony of Apostle
Peter, the Messiah was, "by WICKED HANDS crucified and slain.

II: - One day, the Singaporeans (to follow the steps of the Romans)
may similarly send missionary priests (like the clever Jesuits) to the
Philippines to teach every Filipino that the rope which they used to
strangle Flor Contemplacion was a "Holy Rope" worthy of
adoration; that it is miraculous, endued with healing power and able
to deliver from lightning and pestilence (just how Magellan and
Valderama fooled our innocent forefathers). And they, too, may ask
for land and privileges as the friars did); then, tell us that they have
just discovered (the vulnerability) of our country and must change
its name to "Singaponas;" fry our people in their 'own oil in
exchange for an empty promise of heaven or vain prayers for the
dead to escape from some imaginary "purgatory," etc.; building big
tombs called "churches" and place the Rope on the top ofthem and
upon the altars and on everything. Then, their followers would labor
to make the "Sign of the Rope" on their faces and breasts allegedly
to deliver their souls from evil; make rosaries and scapulars to the
"Holy Mystery of the Rope;" produce earrings, necklaces, and
bracelets with golden rope for pendants, and sell them to your
children and grandchildren at a good price. And the Singaporeans (like the Romans) could get richer. and richer and the Singapinos
poorer and fighting one another as they haul our goods and our
gold to their nation's treasury under the pretext of missionery
charity or in the name of their State cult. And their President-Pope
would sit on a throne like a holy sheep wearing a three-layered
crown with the rope on the top of that and holding a scepter like a
twisted woman on a rope. And your children would just love and
cherish (even worship) the "old ragged rope" and forget the horrible
truth that it ruthlessly choked Flor Contemplacion - just how you
forget the terrible evil that the cruel cross killed Christ!

III: -- Patriotic Filipinos burned the Singaporean flag in protest and
indignation, but nobody yet burned the Roman cross in anger or
disgust. Before the zealots of Israel could avenge the death of their
King and their hope, the Romans under the command of Titus on
year 70 A.D. ransacked the Holy City of Jerusalem, burned the
sacred Temple of Solomon and erased the Israeli nation from the
map. The lowly Christians could not take up the sword either, but
like their Master, they were persecuted, massacred, crucified,
cremated alive or fed to lions. The rest of the world were
Romanized (terrorized and catholicized)! Rome has not yet paid his
debts. No nation, no earthly tribunal or world leader had the guts to
require him of the rivers of righteous blood he shed and of the
destruction of great and precious nations he hated, of the
exploitation and cemeterization of, once upon a time, bright and
happy regions like Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao!

2. For A Mark

I: -- The cross-mark is the signature of Rome. Emperors and Popes
wanted every country, every home, and every person to be sealed
with the cross. Why? Because the cross possessed a mysterious
power to subdue, to bind and spoil (plunder, corrupt, ruin) as history
and the present state of things provide concrete examples of how
dominantly catholicized countries like those in Latin America
(underdeveloped, third world) and the Philippines (sick man of Asia)
fell from the frying pan to the fire!

II: -- When Magellan and priest Valderama first hit these pacific (peaceful)
Islands which, until now, are called, "Islas Filipinas"
(to honor a foreign king for our subjugation and enslavement), they placed a cross on the promontory of Mazaua Island. And very soon,
the Island was destroyed. Historians are now wondering where that
lovely Island is. Some say it's Limasawa, Leyte; others say it's
Masao, Butuan. Actually, 44 years after Magellan came, Legaspi
personally searched for Mazaua and found the Island in a
shattered, desolate state. When his ship drew closer they came
face to face with a man standing on the rocky shore who cursed
them with all his heart; then the man burned his hut and ran away.
Disappointed, Legaspi proceeded to Bohol and sent spies to
Butuan where they found a man in mourning clothes. When asked
why he was mourning, the man answered that he came to live with
his cousins (children of Rajah Colambu) because "foreigners
destroyed our country" (Mazaua). The destruction of that historic
Island was a warning clue, a precursor to what could happen to any
country that would welcome and enshrine the cross. But nobody
read the bad omen!

III: -- Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation describes a Beast (or
Sea-monster) symbolizing a brutish nation. The Mark or ensign of
that terrible race is a mystery, so to speak. But a hint was given in
the form of numbers: DC (600), LX (60), VI (6). Our Grade 1
teachers have taught us that DCLXVI are the six Roman numerals;
they sum up to exactly Six Hundred Sixty-Six (666). Greeks call the
Beast-mark "Chi Xi Stigma" referring to a badge or mark of
servitude such as, the Charax, Crux, Cruz, Cross. According to the
prophecy, "No man ... n (i.e., no explorer, trader, missionary, priest or
anybody) could "... buy or sell" (i.e., colonize or be subject to Rome,
preach or accept Roman Catholicism) without first receiving that
stigma (mark of subjection) on their forehead (by baptism) and
hand (by learning and practicing the "sign of the cross'; as a "scar
of service." Wonderfully. the prophecy has materialized; what a
Revelation, indeed!

3:. For Conquest

I: --Did miraculous lightning and thunderclaps flashed from the cross and smashed without hands the defenses of the people Rome
desired to conquer and exploit in the name of religion? No such
things ever happened. Then what was the secret of the conquering
cross? Apostle Paul called it "mystery of iniquity." Consider this
parable: A chivalrous visitor approached a gracious lady while she
was walking in the garden, and he offered her a gift: a little killer
snake. He told the innocent youth that for great love of her he is
offering a very precious present, a rare and lucky necklace. He
helped her fix the snake around her neck, and she realized too late
that she could neither breathe nor cry for help. Then, the beast
slashed her neck with its fangs, and while she was dying, the
stranger raped her hastily and took all her jewelries and stripped
her of her virgin's clothing. And he went away laughing like Satan!
Did not Christ warn people to beware of wolves that come in
sheep's clothing? God, forgive us, for the natives of this country
have no Bible yet when ravening European wolves came to our
shores in 1521 and even when they returned in 1565! But now that
we have the Bible, would You forgive us again, 0 God, for our
people are blind and lame!

II: -- Starting with Emperor Nero and up to the time of Constantine,
Rome launched several waves of imperial persecution that swept
away the original Christians from the earth, as it is written: "And it
was granted to him (the Beast) to make war with the Saints and to
overcome Them."1(Rev. 13:7)

III: -- Like Christ, the true Christian Church will re-emerge.
Protestantism is the crude beginning of this re-awakening. Yet a
little while and the authentic Church of Christ will re-appear in Her
finest form with unyielding power and marvelous glory, as Christ
has decreed: "Because I live you shall live also. " Let us, then, seek the God of Life!

1 comment:

  1. I see superstition insterspersed with ignorance. a very lethal combination that results in a fanatic. I had already turned into a non-practising catholic in college (heck I was born one! LOL) and the only reason I don't totally give it up is cos my dad was raised a devout catholic and my granduncle was a right rev. monsignor and parish priest here in Laoag City and for a long time also a parish priest in San Fernando, La Union.

    as for the cross...I think that is breaching only the tip of the JC iceberg. just like the

    jews when moses went into the mountain, they turned pagan after his long absence and worshipped the golden calf. it's the same with the present day catholics. they loose sight of what religion is all about.

    the jews acted in cowardice by egging pontius pilate to crucify JC. in fact that's why pontius pilate literally and figuratively 'washed his hands' cos he left that decision to the crowd of jews themselves. and they asked for his blood!

    I know flor contemplacion is a sore point for all of us filipinos. but we have a lot of

    filipino expats living in singapore and most are doing very well. I have a very good

    singaporean friend and I don't think that it is fair to say that the singaporean gov't will

    come over and transform our country into a rope-kissing one. actually singapore has already sent missions to the philippines (my friend is not even clergy but a guidance counsellor in one of the schools there) and she went to legaspi and saw children die in that mud caused by treeless mountains due to illegal logging allowed by corrupt gov't officials) and helped them. the singaporean gov't sends missions abroad too including my friend like in afghanistan camps and india calamities.

    the main problem I foresee in removing all vestiges of the cross and eradicating decades of rituals and belief is that they get confused. remember that most are like lamb being led to slaughter by false promises of heaven and life everlasting. being enlightened is good for thinking people like the minority of the populace but for the majority I think it will only cause a lot of confusion and a lack of direction specially hope (the main selling point of any religion) which is their reason for living.

    just my honest opinion. good blog though. ;)
